Cyber Inclusion Pledge To End Cyber Poverty
The Cyber Inclusion Pledge signifies an unwavering dedication among leaders across diverse sectors, including business, government, education, and philanthropy. Our shared mission is to eliminate the digital disparity known as cyber poverty. Through a robust collaboration with the Cyber Poverty Line Institute and our extensive network, we are committed to bridging the significant gap in cyber inclusion, ensuring that marginalized communities and under-served populations have access to vital cyber capabilities, leading to their enhanced economic and societal advancement.
Every organization that embraces the Cyber Inclusion Pledge is committed to the following core objectives:
Contribute: We pledge to take substantial actions to advance cyber equity. This may encompass the donation of cutting-edge cybersecurity resources to nonprofit organizations or the provision of financial support to drive essential cyber inclusion initiatives forward.
Engage: We will actively involve employees, stakeholders, and local communities in the profound mission of cyber inclusion, cultivating a pervasive culture of cyber awareness and preparedness.
Share: As advocates for change, we commit to introducing fellow leaders from diverse domains such as business, government, education, philanthropy, and community to the Cyber Inclusion Pledge. We will foster a collective spirit of action to mend the divide represented by the cyber poverty line.
By wholeheartedly embracing the mantle of cyber inclusion, we empower individuals and communities not merely to endure, but to thrive in the digital age. Our united endeavors seek to nurture cyber literacy, ensure digital safety, and provide unimpeded access to a realm of cyber opportunities for all, thus effectively bridging the cyber poverty line and creating a more equitable future.